Fans or Air Conditioning – How Best To Cool My Home

Whole-House-FansWhen the weather gets hot you do not want to be stuck sitting in a house that is hot and muggy. You want your house to feel comfortable. When your house is too hot chances are you are going to have a hard time getting a good night’s rest. Your home is going to be very humid and this is going to make you irritable. This is the last thing you want. Having a home cooling system to help in this regard is going to go a long way. The question now becomes which way do you go? Do you get a fan or do you get an air conditioner?

The reason why people choose air conditioners

Natural-CoolingPeople who choose air conditioners choose them because they are convinced of their superiority. With an air conditioner they are going to be getting unnaturally cool air that should keep them from suffering when the weather gets hot. Plus air conditioners really are not as expensive as they once were. So they are not really considered a luxury anymore. They are considered something you should have if you want to survive really hot and humid times of the year.

The reason why people choose house fans

Attic-FansUnderstand that when we speak about house fans we are talking about just that, the type of fan you would buy at a store in a box. These fans do not really do much to cool a home. In fact all they do is blow hot air around, which only makes a home hotter. Haven’t you ever noticed that a fan seems to blow cooler air at night? This is because it is blowing cooler air, because your house is cooling down.

Some people will try to go a bit further. They will decide to get those ceiling fans. Ceiling fans actually are not bad, because they do not cost much to get. They can be installed easily and they do provide a light breeze. However, they have the same issues as the box fans mentioned above. They are simply blowing around hot air. They do not provide much else.

Which one is better, a house fan or an air conditioner?

Natural-Home-CoolingThe fact is that most people who can afford an air conditioner will choose to go with one. People who cannot, will decide to get a house fan. The reality is that both people are going to be unhappy. The person who chooses an air conditioner will be unhappy because their energy bills will go up. The person who gets the house fan will be unhappy because they are going to spend their day having hot air blown on them. There is a superior solution and that would be to get a breeze power whole house fan.

Why a breeze power whole house fan is better

Whole-House-CoolingA breeze power whole house fan does not circulate hot air around your house. Nor does it create unnaturally cool air that is going to cost you a lot of money. It cools your house down naturally so that the environment feels better. It makes the air much healthier. It provides a breeze like you were standing under a tree and the wind blew. They also make sense for the person who is environmentally conscious. With a breeze power whole house fan your energy bills will be less as well.

Yes, there might be upfront costs in order to have one of these natural cooling systems put in, but they are well worth it. The money you spend on the front end is going to be made up for because of the immense value you will get on the backend.
